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PMID 9733433
Gene Name AR
Condition Male infertility
Association Y deletions were not found in those with long AR polyglutamine tracts. This study, the first in a Chinese population, suggest a cause and effect relationship between Y microdeletions in the AZFc region (possibly DAZ), and azoospermia or near-azoospermia.
Mutation Y microdeletions, AR polyglutamine tracts
Population size 303
Population details 303 (202 subfertile males, 101 healthy fertile controls)
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility, Female infertility
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

Y chromosome microdeletions, in azoospermic or near-azoospermic subjects, are located in the AZFc (DAZ) subregion

Liow SL, Ghadessy FJ, Ng SC, Yong EL.

Submicroscopic deletions of the Y chromosome and polymorphisms of the androgen receptor (AR) gene in the X chromosome have been observed in men with defective spermatogenesis. To further define the subregions/genes in the Y chromosome causing male infertility and its relationship to polymorphisms of the AR polyglutamine tract, we screened the genomic DNA of 202 subfertile males and 101 healthy fertile controls of predominantly Chinese ethnic origin. Y microdeletions were examined with 16 sequence-tagged site (STS) probes, including the RBM and DAZ genes, spanning the AZFb and AZFc subregions of Yq11, and related to the size of trinucleotide repeat encoding the AR polyglutamine tract. Y microdeletions were detected and confirmed in three out of 44 (6.8%) of azoospermic and three out of 86 (3.5%) severely oligozoospermic patients. No deletions were detected in any of the patients with sperm counts of >0.5 x 10(6)/ml, nor in any of the 101 fertile controls. All six affected patients had almost contiguous Y microdeletions spanning the entire AZFc region including the DAZ gene. The AZFb region, containing the RBM1 gene, was intact in five of the six subjects. Y deletions were not found in those with long AR polyglutamine tracts. Our study, the first in a Chinese population, suggest a cause and effect relationship between Y microdeletions in the AZFc region (possibly DAZ), and azoospermia or near-azoospermia. Y microdeletions and long AR polyglutamine tracts appear to be independent contributors to male infertility. FAU - Liow, S L AU - Liow SL AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National University Hospital, Republic of Singapore. FAU - Ghadessy, F J AU - Ghadessy FJ FAU - Ng, S C AU - Ng SC