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PMID 9623519
Gene Name FSHB
Condition Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH)
Association Low FSH levels in adolescence are strongly related to a lack of LH pulses. Lack of LH pulses is highly suspect for HH. FSH may be a tool in the differentiation between HH and delayed puberty.
Population size 36
Population details 36 children suspected of having HH
Sex Male, female
Infertility type Male infertility, Female infertility
Other associated phenotypes Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, cryptorchidism

Predictive value of serum follicle-stimulating hormone levels in the differentiation between hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and constitutional delay of puberty

Odink RJ, Schoemaker J, Schoute E, Herdes E, Delemarre-van de Waal HA.

OBJECTIVE: Gonadotropin secretion was evaluated to predict hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) in 36 children suspected of having HH. METHODS: LH was measured for 24 h at 10-min intervals, and FSH and estradiol or testosterone at 1-hour intervals. Twenty boys (age 15.7, range 13.2-19.3 years) and 16 girls (age 16.1, range 13.0-20.6 years) were studied. RESULTS: LH pulses were detected in 9 boys and 5 girls. HH was confirmed in all 11 LH apulsatile boys and in 8 of 11 LH apulsatile girls. Random FSH values of < or =1.11 and < or =2.86 IU/l in boys and girls, respectively, discriminated patients with LH pulses from patients without (sensitivity for lack of LH pulses 97 and 100%, respectively). In boys testicular volume was not discriminatory. In 1 girl LH pulses were observed without estradiol production, suggesting LH neurosecretory dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Low FSH levels in adolescence are strongly related to a lack of LH pulses. Lack of LH pulses is highly suspect for HH. FSH may be a tool in the differentiation between HH and delayed puberty. FAU - Odink, R J AU - Odink RJ AD - Department of Pediatrics, Academic Hospital Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. FAU - Schoemaker, J AU - Schoemaker J FAU - Schoute, E AU - Schoute E FAU - Herdes, E AU - Herdes E