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PMID 9256347
Gene Name ESX1
Condition May play a role in regulation of spermatogenesis
Association Associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes May play a role in regulation of spermatogenesis

Spx1, a novel X-linked homeobox gene expressed during spermatogenesis

Branford WW, Zhao GQ, Valerius MT, Weinstein M, Birkenmeier EH, Rowe LB, Potter SS.

Spx1, a novel mouse homeobox gene, encodes a homeodomain characteristic of the paired-like class of homeobox genes and has been mapped to the distal end of the X chromosome. Northern blot hybridization of adult tissues detected high levels of a single Spx1 transcript in the testis. Further analysis by in situ hybridization revealed predominant Spx1 expression within the spermatogonia/preleptotene spermatocytes and round spermatids of spermatogenic stages IV-VII. These expression data suggest SPX1 may play a role in the regulation of spermatogenesis. FAU - Branford, W W AU - Branford WW AD - Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Developmental Biology, Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA. FAU - Zhao, G Q AU - Zhao GQ FAU - Valerius, M T AU - Valerius MT FAU - Weinstein, M AU - Weinstein M FAU - Birkenmeier, E H AU - Birkenmeier EH FAU - Rowe, L B AU - Rowe LB