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PMID 8867599
Gene Name AR
Condition Oligozoospermia
Association The results indicate that immunodetectability of the AR is not related to the condition of the spermatogenic epithelium in patients with oligozoospermia. Inappropriate expression of the AR is neither a cause nor a consequence of idiopathic infertility in
Population size 37
Population details 37 subfertile men with oligozoospermia
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Subfertility

Androgen receptor immunoexpression in the testes of subfertile men

Van Roijen JH, Van Assen S, Van Der Kwast TH, De Rooij DG, Boersma WJ, Vreeburg JT, Weber RF.

The localization and intensity of androgen receptor immunostaining was studied in the testes of 37 subfertile men with oligozoospermia and normal serum gonadotropin levels using a polyclonal antibody raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the first 20 N-terminal amino acid residues of the androgen receptor (AR). Furthermore, we investigated whether or not the immunoexpression of the AR in human Sertoli cells, in histologically normal testis tissue, is dependent on the stage of the spermatogenic cycle, as has been found in the rat. In the human testis, AR immunoexpression was observed in Sertoli cells, peritubular myoid cells, Leydig cells, and periarteriolar cells, but not in germinal cells. We found no evidence for a stage-dependent immunoexpression of AR in Sertoli cells. The intensity of AR immunoexpression varied substantially between biopsy specimens of different patients. There was, however, no correlation of the intensity of AR immunoexpression in either Sertoli cells or peritubular myoid cells with spermatogenic adequacy as measured by the method of Johnsen. When, in this study, the intensity of peritubular myoid cell staining was used as a standard to evaluate the intensity of Sertoli cell staining, no correlation was detected as well. Furthermore, serum gonadotropin levels were not correlated with AR immunoexpression levels in Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells. These results indicate that immunodetectability of the AR is not related to the condition of the spermatogenic epithelium in patients with oligozoospermia. Inappropriate expression of the AR is neither a cause nor a consequence of idiopathic infertility in the present group of patients. FAU - Van Roijen, J H AU - Van Roijen JH AD - Department of Andrology, University Hospital Dijkzigt, Rotterdam, Netherlands. FAU - Van Assen, S AU - Van Assen S FAU - Van Der Kwast, T H AU - Van Der Kwast TH FAU - De Rooij, D G AU - De Rooij DG FAU - Boersma, W J AU - Boersma WJ FAU - Vreeburg, J T AU - Vreeburg JT