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PMID | 8128958 |
Gene Name | AR |
Condition | X-linked Reifenstein syndrome (partial androgeninsensitivity) |
Association |
Sequencing and hybridization analysis show a deletion of > 6 kb in intron 2 of the human AR gene, starting 18 bp upstream of exon 3. |
Mutation | deletion of > 6 kb in intron 2 of the human AR gene, starting 18 bp upstream of exon 3 |
Population size | 1 |
Population details | 1 X-linked Reifenstein syndrome (partial androgen insensitivity) |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility, Female infertility |
Other associated phenotypes |
X-linked Reifenstein syndrome (partial androgen insensitivity) |
Differential splicing of human androgen receptor pre-mRNA in X-linked Reifenstein syndrome, because of a deletion involving a putative branch site Ris-Stalpers C, Verleun-Mooijman MC, de Blaeij TJ, Degenhart HJ, Trapman J, Brinkmann AO. The analysis of the androgen receptor (AR) gene, mRNA, and protein in a subject with X-linked Reifenstein syndrome (partial androgen insensitivity) is reported. The presence of two mature AR transcripts in genital skin fibroblasts of the patient is established, and, by reverse transcriptase-PCR and RNase transcription analysis, the wild-type transcript and a transcript in which exon 3 sequences are absent without disruption of the translational reading frame are identified. Sequencing and hybridization analysis show a deletion of > 6 kb in intron 2 of the human AR gene, starting 18 bp upstream of exon 3. The deletion includes the putative branch-point sequence (BPS) but not the acceptor splice site on the intron 2/exon 3 boundary. The deletion of the putative intron 2 BPS results in 90% inhibition of wild-type splicing. The mutant transcript encodes an AR protein lacking the second zinc finger of the DNA-binding domain. Western/immunoblotting analysis is used to show that the mutant AR protein is expressed in genital skin fibroblasts of the patient. The residual 10% wild-type transcript can be the result of the use of a cryptic BPS located 63 bp upstream of the intron 2/exon 3 boundary of the mutant AR gene. The mutated AR protein has no transcription-activating potential and does not influence the transactivating properties of the wild-type AR, as tested in cotransfection studies. It is concluded that the partial androgen-insensitivity syndrome of this patient is the consequence of the limited amount of wild-type AR protein expressed in androgen target cells, resulting from the deletion of the intron 2 putative BPS. FAU - Ris-Stalpers, C AU - Ris-Stalpers C AD - Department of Endocrinology and Reproduction, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. FAU - Verleun-Mooijman, M C AU - Verleun-Mooijman MC FAU - de Blaeij, T J AU - de Blaeij TJ FAU - Degenhart, H J AU - Degenhart HJ FAU - Trapman, J AU - Trapman J |