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PMID 7929841
Gene Name AR
Condition Reifenstein syndrome
Association Amino acid substitutions in the hormone-binding domain of the human androgen receptor alter the stability of the hormone receptor complex.
Mutation W739R, F762L, A746D, P764S, R838H, R838C, R853H
Population size 7
Population details 7 with complete testicular feminization or Reifenstein syndrome
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Reifenstein syndrome

Amino acid substitutions in the hormone-binding domain of the human androgen receptor alter the stability of the hormone receptor complex

Marcelli M, Zoppi S, Wilson CM, Griffin JE, McPhaul MJ.

We have investigated the basis of androgen resistance in seven unrelated individuals with complete testicular feminization or Reifenstein syndrome caused by single amino acid substitutions in the hormone-binding domain of the androgen receptor. Monolayer-binding assays of cultured genital skin fibroblasts demonstrated absent ligand binding, qualitative abnormalities of androgen binding, or a decreased amount of qualitatively normal receptor. The consequences of these mutations were examined by introducing the mutations by site-directed mutagenesis into the androgen receptor cDNA sequence and expressing the mutant cDNAs in mammalian cells. The effects of the amino acid substitutions on the binding of different androgens and on the capacity of the ligand-bound receptors to activate a reporter gene were investigated. Substantial differences were found in the responses of the mutant androgen receptors to incubation with testosterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and mibolerone. In several instances, increased doses of hormone or increased frequency of hormone addition to the incubation medium resulted in normal or near normal activation of a reporter gene by cells expressing the mutant androgen receptors. These studies suggest that the stability of the hormone receptor complex is a major determinant of receptor function in vivo. FAU - Marcelli, M AU - Marcelli M AD - Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 75235-8857. FAU - Zoppi, S AU - Zoppi S FAU - Wilson, C M AU - Wilson CM FAU - Griffin, J E AU - Griffin JE