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PMID | 7591580 |
Gene Name | FSH |
Condition | Male infertility, sperm motility |
Association |
Associated |
Population size | 206 |
Population details | 206 male patients |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Associated genes | FSH |
Other associated phenotypes |
Male infertility, sperm motility |
Role of endocrine factors in male infertility Csenke Z, Török L, Szöllösi J, Scultéty S. On the evidence of physical examination, history, and semen analysis, endocrinological alteration is suspected in the background of infertility in about one third of the husbands of couples consulting a doctor because of childless marriage. The data of 206 male patients have been processed, and in 71 cases the serum FSH, LH, prolactin and testosterone contents were examined. Statistical analysis was performed for the relationship between gonadotropic hormones and testosterone level, and between the sperm motility and the FSH level, the results of which are presented here. FAU - Csenke, Z AU - Csenke Z AD - Faculty of Urology, Szent-Györgyi Albert University Medical School, Szeged, Hungary. FAU - Török, L AU - Török L FAU - Szöllösi, J AU - Szöllösi J |