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PMID | 7524922 |
Gene Name | CA 125 |
Condition | Male fertility |
Association |
Associated |
Population size | 42 |
Population details | 42 males (14 volunteers from semen donation and 28 males from infertile couples) |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Associated genes | CA 125, CA 19.9 |
Other associated phenotypes |
Male fertility |
Human seminal plasma analysis of five tumor markers: CA 125, alpha-fetoprotein, CA 50, CA 19.9, and CA 195 Matorras R, Genollá J, Corcóstegui B, Fraca M, Fombellida JC, Rodríguez-Escudero FJ. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate tumor markers in seminal plasma and their possible relationship with fertility. METHODS: Five different tumor markers (alpha-fetoprotein, CA 125, CA 19.9, CA 50, and CA195) were studied in seminal plasma and serum from 42 males (14 volunteers from semen donation and 28 males from infertile couples). RESULTS: CA 50 and CA 19.9 levels were more than 300 times as high in seminal plasma as in serum (4,396.4 U/mL vs. 13.9 and 3,893.5 U/mL vs. 11.5). CA 125 levels were 14 times as high in seminal fluid as in serum (217.2 U/mL vs. 15.1), and CA 195 levels 22 times as high (122.5 U/mL vs. 5.6). alpha-Fetoprotein levels in seminal plasma were one-third those in serum (0.75 ng/mL vs. 2.47). Seminal levels of CA 125, CA 50, and CA 19.9 were correlated with the duration of infertility. Compared with donors, among seminal fluids from infertile couples there was a trend to higher levels of CA 19.9 and CA 125. CA 125 levels were lower in samples having normal sperm counts, and CA 125 and CA 19.9 levels were lower among couples who conceived compared with those who did not conceive. Tumor markers, either in seminal plasma or in serum, were not found to be correlated with semen characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: It appears that seminal levels of the tumor markers studied depend on more factors than the single serum concentration. The biological significance of the high seminal levels of the four carbohydrate antigens, and the association of low levels of CA 125 and CA 19.9 and fertility, could not be determined from our study. It is suggested, however, that CA 125 and CA 19.9 could be used as seminal plasma markers of fertility. FAU - Matorras, R AU - Matorras R AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, PaÃs Vasco University Hospital de Cruces, Baracaldo, Vizcaya, Spain. FAU - Genollá, J AU - Genollá J FAU - Corcóstegui, B AU - Corcóstegui B FAU - Fraca, M AU - Fraca M FAU - Fombellida, J C AU - Fombellida JC |