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PMID 617928
Gene Name PRL
Condition Male infertility
Association Not Associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes PRL
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

Biological significance of human prolactin in adult, healthy and infertile males

Sas M, Falkay G, Apró G.

The human prolactin (hP) levels have been studied in adult healthy and infertile males. The hormone level was 8.5--38.0 ng/ml in sperm-plasma and 3.4--32 ng/ml in blood plasma. Values for normo and pathospermic patients showed no significant difference. In normo and hypospermia the hP level was higher in the ejaculate than in blood plasma. There was a close correlation between the hP and fructose levels of the ejaculate, while the correlation between hP and testosterone levels in the ejaculate was not highly significant. There is a certain relationship between the plasma hP and testosterone levels and the sperm count. FAU - Sas, M AU - Sas M FAU - Falkay, G AU - Falkay G