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PMID | 3426164 |
Gene Name | MIF |
Condition | Male pseudohermaphroditism |
Association |
Case study: Testicular tumor and male pseudohermaphroditism due to absence of MIF (Müller inhibiting factor) |
Population size | 1 |
Population details | 1 Male pseudohermaphroditism |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Other associated phenotypes |
Male pseudohermaphroditism |
[Testicular tumor and male pseudohermaphroditism due to absence of MIF (Müller inhibiting factor)] Zerbib M, Debré B, Kouri G, Steg A. One case of intra-abdominal seminoma with persistent müllerian duct syndrome is reported. Literature is reviewed and guidelines for management of such are suggested. FAU - Zerbib, M AU - Zerbib M AD - Clinique Urologique, Hôpital Cochin, Paris. FAU - Debré, B AU - Debré B FAU - Kouri, G AU - Kouri G |