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PMID 3285991
Gene Name TUBA1A
Condition Male infertility, spermatozoa structure
Association In this paper the Authors describe the localization of some significative proteins (acrosin, actin, tubulin, vimentin) detected by immunocytochemical methods in human infertile spermatozoa and correlate their distribution with the ultrastructural characte
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility, spermatozoa structure

Immunocytochemistry and sperm pathology

Baccetti B, Burrini AG, Collodel G, Magnano AR, Piomboni P, Renieri T.

In this paper the Authors describe the localization of some significative proteins (acrosin, actin, tubulin, vimentin) detected by immunocytochemical methods in human infertile spermatozoa and correlate their distribution with the ultrastructural characteristics of the same spermatozoa, in order to clarify the structural bases of infertility. FAU - Baccetti, B AU - Baccetti B AD - Centro di Studio per le Cellule germinali del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Siena, Italy. FAU - Burrini, A G AU - Burrini AG FAU - Collodel, G AU - Collodel G FAU - Magnano, A R AU - Magnano AR FAU - Piomboni, P AU - Piomboni P