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PMID 3086132
Gene Name PCMT1
Condition Sperm motility
Association Associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes PCM
Other associated phenotypes Sperm motility

Positive correlation between the level of protein-carboxyl methylase in spermatozoa and sperm motility

Gagnon C, de Lamirande E, Sherins RJ.

Levels of protein-carboxyl methylase (PCM) activity were measured in spermatozoa from infertile patients with less than 50% sperm motility and compared with those of normal fertile controls. When spermatozoa were washed by a standard centrifugation procedure, the level of PCM activity in a subgroup of patients with sperm motility ranging from 0% and 20% (24.0 +/- 5.2 pmol/mg protein, mean +/- standard error of the mean) was significantly different from that of controls (35.9 +/- 2.3 pmol/mg). However, when the entire population of patients with sperm motility ranging from 0% to 50% (32.6 +/- 6.2 pmol/mg) was compared with controls, no significant difference was observed in sperm PCM levels. With this standard washing procedure no significant relationship (r = 0.28; P greater than 0.05) between sperm PCM activity and motility was observed. By contrast, when spermatozoa were washed on a Percoll gradient, to eliminate other cellular elements, both groups of patients with 0% to 20% (14.6 +/- 2.5 pmol/mg) and with 0% to 50% (21.5 +/- 2.4 pmol/mg) sperm motility had sperm PCM levels significantly lower than that of controls (34.7 +/- 3.6). A highly significant relationship (r = 0.78; P less than 0.001) was observed between the levels of sperm PCM activity and motility. FAU - Gagnon, C AU - Gagnon C FAU - de Lamirande, E AU - de Lamirande E