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PMID 3026952
Gene Name AR
Condition Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
Association Partial androgen receptor deficiency and mixed gonadal dysgenesis in Drash syndrome
Population size 1
Population details 1 46,XY, external genitalia near normal female, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, severe androgen receptor deficiency
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Mixed gonadal dysgenesis

Partial androgen receptor deficiency and mixed gonadal dysgenesis in Drash syndrome

Turleau C, Niaudet P, Sultan C, Rault G, Mahfoud A, Nihoul-Fekete C, Iris L, de Grouchy J.

Drash syndrome associates a nephropathy characterized by a diffuse mesangial sclerosis of early onset, Wilms tumor, and male pseudohermaphroditism (MPH). A patient with Drash syndrome is reported with the following: karyotype 46,XY, external genitalia near normal female, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, severe androgen receptor deficiency demonstrated for the first time in this syndrome. The possibility of a common genetic denominator with the del 11p13 WAGR complex is suggested. MPH/nephroblastoma association is common. Androgen receptor deficiency has been observed in one case of each syndrome, respectively. FAU - Turleau, C AU - Turleau C FAU - Niaudet, P AU - Niaudet P FAU - Sultan, C AU - Sultan C FAU - Rault, G AU - Rault G FAU - Mahfoud, A AU - Mahfoud A FAU - Nihoul-Fekete, C AU - Nihoul-Fekete C FAU - Iris, L AU - Iris L