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PMID 27300571
Gene Name ESR2
Condition Hypospadias
Association Associated
Mutation rs944050; 2681-4A>G
Population size 1
Population details 1 case
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility

Paternal Uniparental Disomy of Chromosome 14 with Hypospadias

Yuan H, Xie Y, Li Q, Hu X, Li X, Sun X, Zhao W.

Paternal uniparental disomy 14 (patUPD14) is a distinct, clinically recognizable syndrome. Using a clinical SNP microarray, we identified patUPD14 in a boy with a normal karyotype presenting cardiomyopathy and facial anomalies, a specific configuration of the thoracic ribs ('coat hanger sign'), and hypospadias. Analyses of polymorphic microsatellites confirmed the diagnosis of patUPD14. We discuss the functions of the genes included in the rearrangement and their involvement in the pathogenesis of these disorders, especially hypospadias. ESR2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs944050; 2681-4A>G) have been associated with an increased risk of hypospadias in previous studies. The patient's ESR2 (rs944050) genotype is GG, whereas the parents both exhibit an AG genotype. This report sheds light on the genetic phenomenon in which the combination of a polymorphism and UPD can lead to new phenotypes, such as hypospadias. CI - © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel. FAU - Yuan, Haiming AU - Yuan H AD - Guangzhou KingMed Center for Clinical Laboratory Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, PR China. FAU - Xie, Yingjun AU - Xie Y FAU - Li, Qian AU - Li Q FAU - Hu, Xizi AU - Hu X FAU - Li, Xinwei AU - Li X FAU - Sun, Xiaofang AU - Sun X