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PMID 2609327
Gene Name HLA-A
Condition Male infertility
Association In conclusion, no association was found between HLA-A, B and DR Ag and infertility with S.A.A. Nevertheless, two HLA-Ag were more frequently observed in the group with S.A.A.
PMID 2609327
Gene Name HLA-A
Condition Sperm auto-antibodies (S.A.A.)
Association Associated
Population size 80
Population details 80 (22 infertile men with cytotoxic S.A.A. in serum (S) and/or seminal plasma (SP), 58 infertile men without cytotoxic S.A.A. in serum (S) and/or seminal plasma (SP))
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DR
Other associated phenotypes Sperm auto-antibodies (S.A.A.)

HLA antigens and infertility with sperm autoantibodies in man

Moncharmont P, Bielsa S, Gebuhrer L, Rollet J, Silou J, Saad A, Betuel H, Czyba JC.

Vasectomized men with sperm auto-antibodies (S.A.A.) and high frequency of HLA-A20 antigen (Ag) were observed by Law et al. (1979); Hancock et al. (1983) observed the prevalence of HLA-A28 in infertile men with S.A.A. HLA-A, B and DR Ag were determined in a population of 80 Caucasian infertile men with (n = 22) or without (n = 58) agglutinating and/or cytotoxic S.A.A. in serum (S) and/or seminal plasma (SP), and the association between HLA-determinants and infertility with S.A.A. was investigated. The frequence of HLA-A28 Ag was found higher in the group with S.A.A. than without (18.2% vs 0.0%) but not statistically significant (chi 2 = 8.87; pc less than 0.15). The same result was obtained with HLA-B13 Ag (chi 2 = 8.87; pc less than 0.32). Lastly, there was no prevalence of HLA-DR Ag in men with S.A.A. In conclusion, no association was found between HLA-A, B and DR Ag and infertility with S.A.A. Nevertheless, two HLA-Ag were more frequently observed in the group with S.A.A. FAU - Moncharmont, P AU - Moncharmont P AD - C.R.T.S.-Lyon Beynost, France. FAU - Bielsa, S AU - Bielsa S FAU - Gebuhrer, L AU - Gebuhrer L FAU - Rollet, J AU - Rollet J FAU - Silou, J AU - Silou J FAU - Saad, A AU - Saad A FAU - Betuel, H AU - Betuel H