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PMID 26027266
Gene Name GSS
Condition Male infertility
Association It has been established that imbalance in the glutathione system is the most prominent feature in men with infertility and overweight as compared to infertile men with normal body weight.
Population size 90
Population details 90 (60 men with infertility were examined--30 with normal weight and 30 with overweight), 30fertile men)
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes GSH, GR, GPO, GST
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

[Glutathione-dependent enzymes and glutathione in infertility of men with different body mass]

Kolesnikova LI, Vanteeva OA, Kurashova NA, Dashiev BG.

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to investigate the glutathione-disulfide system of antioxidant defense in men with different body mass index and infertility. METHODS: 60 men with infertility were examined--30 with normal weight and 30 with overweight. 30fertile men were included in the control group. Hemolysate made from red blood cells was used as a materialfor study. The level of reduced (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and glutathione activity was determined by enzyme spectrofluorophotometer SHIMADZU-1501 (Japan). RESULTS: In infertile men with normal body weight decrease of GSH to 15.35% was combined with a decrease in the activity of enzymes--glutathione reductase (GR) to 53.41%, glutathione peroxidase (GPO) to 51.44%, and increased activity of glutathione-S-transferaze (GST) to 31.52% as compared with the controlgroup. In the group of infertile men with overweight a decrease in the activity of GR, 56.77% and 56.22% at the GPO on the background of a stable level of GST was detected in comparison with fertile men. The concentration of GSH in infertile group decreased by 20.08%, and the concentration of GSSG increased by 20.38%. CONCLUSION: It has been established that imbalance in the glutathione system is the most prominent feature in men with infertility and overweight as compared to infertile men with normal body weight. FAU - Kolesnikova, L I AU - Kolesnikova LI FAU - Vanteeva, O A AU - Vanteeva OA FAU - Kurashova, N A AU - Kurashova NA