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PMID 25633053
Gene Name AR
Condition CAIS
Association The AR gene carried the mutation c.1752C>G, p.Phe584Leu. Gender dysphoria in CAIS may be considered as a true transgender and has been described in 3 other cases.
Mutation c.1752C>G, p.Phe584Leu
Population size 4
Population details 4 complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) members of one family
Sex Male, Female
Infertility type Male infertility, Female infertility
Other associated phenotypes CAIS

Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome associated with male gender identity or female precocious puberty in the same family

Bermúdez de la Vega JA, Fernández-Cancio M, Bernal S, Audí L.

In 4 complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) members of one family, 2 presented extreme and unusual clinical features: male gender identity disorder (case 1) and female precocious central puberty (case 2). The AR gene carried the mutation c.1752C>G, p.Phe584Leu. Gender dysphoria in CAIS may be considered as a true transgender and has been described in 3 other cases. Central precocious puberty has only been described in 1 case; Müllerian ducts in case 2 permitted menarche. Despite the common CAIS phenotype, there was a familial disparity for gender identity adequacy and timing and type of puberty. FAU - Bermúdez de la Vega, José A AU - Bermúdez de la Vega JA AD - Paediatric Endocrinology, Department of Paediatrics, Virgen Macarena University Hospital, Sevilla, Spain. FAU - Fernández-Cancio, Mónica AU - Fernández-Cancio M FAU - Bernal, Susana AU - Bernal S