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PMID 25374327
Gene Name RNF8
Condition Non- obstructive azoospermia
Association Associated
Mutation RNF8 (rs195432, rs195434, rs2284922)
Population size 729
Population details 729 (361 men with NOA, 368 fertile controls)
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes RNF8, BRDT

Genetic association study of RNF8 and BRDT variants with non-obstructive azoospermia in the Chinese Han population

Zhang Y, Song B, Du WD, He XJ, Ruan J, Zhou FS, Zuo XB, Ye L, Xie XS, Cao YX.

Increasing evidence indicates that polymorphisms in genes relevant to spermatogenesis might modulate the efficiency of reproduction in men. Ring finger protein 8 (RNF8) and bromodomain testis-specific (BRDT) are two candidate genes associated with spermatogenesis. Here, we considered potential associations of 14 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in RNF8 and BRDT genes in Chinese patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA). We analyzed 361 men with NOA and 368 fertile controls by using Sequenom iplex technology. Our data did not reveal any variants associated with NOA susceptibility. However, we observed that rs104669 and rs195432 of RNF8 were in strong linkage disequilibrium. Haplotype analysis of the two SNPs indicated that the haplotype AC reduced the risk of NOA and the haplotype TC significantly evaluated the risk of NOA. Moreover, the RNF8 variants rs195432 (C/A p = 0.030), rs195434 (T/C p = 0.025), and rs2284922 (T/C p = 0.034) were correlated with the smaller testis volume. FAU - Zhang, Yan AU - Zhang Y AD - Department of Biology, School of Life Sciences, Anhui Medical University . FAU - Song, Bing AU - Song B FAU - Du, Wei-Dong AU - Du WD FAU - He, Xiao-Jin AU - He XJ FAU - Ruan, Jian AU - Ruan J FAU - Zhou, Fu-Sheng AU - Zhou FS FAU - Zuo, Xian-Bo AU - Zuo XB FAU - Ye, Lei AU - Ye L FAU - Xie, Xu-Shi AU - Xie XS