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PMID 25355644
Gene Name SEMG1
Condition Male infertility
Association Comparison of the infertile and fertile groups revealed that 18 proteins appeared to be differentially expressed. Four proteins were similarly altered in the IVF-failure and infertile groups: semenogelin 1 (SEMG1), prolactin-induced protein (PIP), glycera
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes SEMG1, PIP, GAPDHS, PGK2
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

Investigation of male infertility using quantitative comparative proteomics

Légaré C, Droit A, Fournier F, Bourassa S, Force A, Cloutier F, Tremblay R, Sullivan R.

Male factors account for 40% of infertility cases. The identification of differentially expressed proteins on spermatozoa from fertile and infertile men can help in the elucidation of the molecular basis of male infertility. The aim of this study was to compare sperm proteomes from 3 different groups: fertile men, normozoospermic men consulting for infertility, and normozoospermic men with an impaired capacity for fertilization (IVF-failure). We used differential proteomics with isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) labeling, and LC-MS analysis to identify proteins that are differentially expressed. A total of 348 unique proteins were identified and quantified. The analysis identified 33 proteins that were differentially expressed in the IVF-failure group vs the fertile group. Comparison of the infertile and fertile groups revealed that 18 proteins appeared to be differentially expressed. Four proteins were similarly altered in the IVF-failure and infertile groups: semenogelin 1 (SEMG1), prolactin-induced protein (PIP), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDHS), and phosphoglycerate kinase 2 (PGK2). These protein markers were selected for validation using multiple reactions monitoring mass spectrometry (MRM-MS) and further confirmed by Western blot analysis. Overall, these results suggest that a panel of proteins may be used as biomarkers for future studies of infertility. FAU - Légaré, Christine AU - Légaré C AD - Département Obstétrique, Gynécologie et Reproduction and ‡Département Médecine Moléculaire, Centre de Recherche, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec , Quebec City, Quebec, Canada G1V 4G2. FAU - Droit, Arnaud AU - Droit A FAU - Fournier, Frédéric AU - Fournier F FAU - Bourassa, Sylvie AU - Bourassa S FAU - Force, André AU - Force A FAU - Cloutier, Francine AU - Cloutier F FAU - Tremblay, Roland AU - Tremblay R