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PMID 25042452
Gene Name CDY1
Condition Male infertility
Association The findings show that deletion of CDY1b copy gene is a significant risk factor for male infertility independent of sperm concentration, whereas deletion of CDY1a gene seems to have no effect on fertility in the Tunisian population.
Mutation CDY1a, CDY1b copy deletions
Population size 356
Population details 356 (241 infertile men with different spermatogenic impairments, 115 fertile men)
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes CDY1a, CDY1b
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

Deletion of CDY1b copy of Y chromosome CDY1 gene is a risk factor of male infertility in Tunisian men

Ghorbel M, Baklouti-Gargouri S, Keskes R, Chakroun N, Sellami A, Fakhfakh F, Ammar-Keskes L.

The relationship between male infertility and microdeletions in the Y chromosome that remove multiple genes varies among countries and populations. The aim of this study was to investigate the different types of Chromodomain protein, Y-linked 1 (CDY1) gene deletions and their effect on male infertility and spermatogenesis in Tunisian men. A total of 241 infertile men with different spermatogenic impairments and 115 fertile men were included in this study. We determined the prevalence of CDY1a and CDY1b copy deletions by PCR-RFLP using PvuII as restriction endonuclease. RESULTS: Among the 356 Tunisian individuals, 93.25% had the two copies (CDY1a and CDY1b) of CDY gene (91.2% in infertile patients and 97.3% in fertile men). We also found that deletion of CDY1b was significantly more frequent in infertile patients (azoo/oligospermic and normospermic) than in fertile men (7% vs 1.7% respectively; p value=0.02). However, deletion of CDY1a copy was very rare, and was detected in only one fertile man and four normospermic infertile patients. Our findings showed that deletion of CDY1b copy gene is a significant risk factor for male infertility independent of sperm concentration, whereas deletion of CDY1a gene seems to have no effect on fertility in the Tunisian population. CI - Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. FAU - Ghorbel, Myriam AU - Ghorbel M AD - Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Sfax, Tunisia. Electronic address: myriamgh29@gmail.com. FAU - Baklouti-Gargouri, Siwar AU - Baklouti-Gargouri S AD - Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Sfax, Tunisia. FAU - Keskes, Rim AU - Keskes R AD - Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Sfax, Tunisia. FAU - Chakroun, Nozha AU - Chakroun N AD - Laboratory of Histology & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Sfax, Tunisia. FAU - Sellami, Afifa AU - Sellami A AD - Laboratory of Histology & Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Sfax, Tunisia. FAU - Fakhfakh, Faiza AU - Fakhfakh F AD - Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Sfax, Tunisia.