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PMID 24718625
Gene Name FSHB
Condition Oligozoospermia, Azoospermia
Association In contrast to the young male cohort, neither FSHR -29G/A nor FSHR haplotypes appeared to systematically modulate the reproductive physiology of oligozoospermic idiopathic infertile patients (n = 641, Estonians; aged 31.5 6.0 years). In summary, this is
Mutation FSHB -211G/T; FSHR -29G/A, c.2039 A/G (Asn680Ser, exon 10),
Population size 1623
Population details 1623 (982; Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians; aged 20.2 2.0 years, 641, Estonians; aged 31.5 6.0 years)
Age 20.2 2.0 years
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes FSHB, FSHR
Other associated phenotypes Oligozoospermia, Azoospermia

Reproductive physiology in young men is cumulatively affected by FSH-action modulating genetic variants: FSHR -29G/A and c.2039 A/G, FSHB -211G/T

Grigorova M, Punab M, Punab AM, Poolamets O, Vihljajev V, Zilaitien? B, Erenpreiss J, Matulevi?ius V, Laan M.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor (FSHR) -29G/A polymorphism (rs1394205) was reported to modulate gene expression and reproductive parameters in women, but data in men is limited. We aimed to bring evidence to the effect of FSHR -29G/A variants in men. In Baltic young male cohort (n = 982; Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians; aged 20.2 ± 2.0 years), the FSHR -29 A-allele was significantly associated with higher serum FSH (linear regression: effect 0.27 IU/L; P = 0.0019, resistant to Bonferroni correction for multiple testing) and showed a non-significant trend for association with higher LH (0.19 IU/L) and total testosterone (0.93 nmol/L), but reduced Inhibin B (-7.84 pg/mL) and total testes volume (effect -1.00 mL). Next, we extended the study and tested the effect of FSHR gene haplotypes determined by the allelic combination of FSHR -29G/A and a well-studied variant c.2039 A/G (Asn680Ser, exon 10). Among the FSHR -29A/2039G haplotype carriers (A-Ser; haplotype-based linear regression), this genetic effect was enhanced for FSH (effect 0.40 IU/L), Inhibin B (-16.57 pg/mL) and total testes volume (-2.34 mL). Finally, we estimated the total contribution of three known FSH-action modulating SNPs (FSHB -211G/T; FSHR -29G/A, c.2039 A/G) to phenotypic variance in reproductive parameters among young men. The major FSH-action modulating SNPs explained together 2.3%, 1.4%, 1.0 and 1.1% of the measured variance in serum FSH, Inhibin B, testosterone and total testes volume, respectively. In contrast to the young male cohort, neither FSHR -29G/A nor FSHR haplotypes appeared to systematically modulate the reproductive physiology of oligozoospermic idiopathic infertile patients (n = 641, Estonians; aged 31.5 ± 6.0 years). In summary, this is the first study showing the significant effect of FSHR -29G/A on male serum FSH level. To account for the genetic effect of known common polymorphisms modulating FSH-action, we suggest haplotype-based analysis of FSHR SNPs (FSHR -29G/A, c.2039 A/G) in combination with FSHB -211G/T testing. FAU - Grigorova, Marina AU - Grigorova M AD - Human Molecular Genetics Research Group, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. FAU - Punab, Margus AU - Punab M AD - Andrology Unit, Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia. FAU - Punab, Anna Maria AU - Punab AM AD - Human Molecular Genetics Research Group, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. FAU - Poolamets, Olev AU - Poolamets O AD - Andrology Unit, Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia. FAU - Vihljajev, Vladimir AU - Vihljajev V AD - Andrology Unit, Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia. FAU - Zilaitienė, Birutė AU - Zilaitienė B AD - Institute of Endocrinology, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania. FAU - Erenpreiss, Juris AU - Erenpreiss J AD - Andrology Laboratory, Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia. FAU - Matulevičius, Valentinas AU - Matulevičius V AD - Institute of Endocrinology, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania.