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PMID 24655068
Gene Name ESR2
Condition Male infertility
Association No association was observed between infertility and RsaI or AluI. In the stratified analysis by ethnicity, increased risk was found among Caucasians with GA versus GG and dominant model of RsaI. It was not observed for AluI. In the stratified analysis by
Mutation RsaI(G/A) and AluI(A/G) polymorphisms in ER-beta
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

Meta-analysis of the association of oestrogen receptor-beta gene RsaI (G/A) and AluI (A/G) polymorphisms with male infertility

Cai Y, Liu T, Li H, Xiong C.

A more precise assessment of association of oestrogen receptor-beta genes RsaI(G/A) and AluI(A/G) polymorphisms with male infertility from current contradictory results is the aim of this meta-analysis including five RsaI and six AluI studies respectively. No association was observed between infertility and RsaI or AluI. In the stratified analysis by ethnicity, increased risk was found among Caucasians with GA versus GG (OR = 2.263, 95% CI = 1.073-4.776, I(2)  = 57.1%) and dominant model (OR = 2.117, 95% CI = 1.018-4.403, I(2)  = 49.0%) of RsaI. It was not observed for AluI. In the stratified analysis by infertility subtypes, a reduced risk in GA of AluI was observed among azoospermia or severe oligospermia (GA versus AA: OR = 0.686, 95% CI = 0.498-0.945, I(2)  = 21.2%; recessive model: OR = 1.403, 95% CI = 1.056-1.864, I(2)  = 31.7%), and reduced risk was in recessive model (OR = 0.650, 95% CI = 0.446-0.948, I(2)  = 0.0%) of subtypes, except for azoospermia or severe oligospermia. However, this finding was not observed in RsaI. The meta-analysis showed GA and GG of AluI are possibly resistant factors for spermatogenesis dysfunction and deteriorated sperm quality. CI - © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH. FAU - Cai, Y AU - Cai Y AD - Family Planning Research Institute, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. FAU - Liu, T AU - Liu T FAU - Li, H AU - Li H