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PMID | 24384068 |
Gene Name | NSUN7 |
Condition | Asthenospermic |
Association |
Direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products, along with their analysis, confirmed C26232T-transition and T26248G-transversion mutations in asthenospermic men. Comparison of normal and mutant protein structures of Nsun7 indicated that the |
Mutation | C26232T-transition and T26248G-transversion, exon 7 of the Nsun7 gene |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Other associated phenotypes |
Asthenospermic |
T26248G-transversion mutation in exon7 of the putative methyltransferase Nsun7 gene causes a change in protein folding associated with reduced sperm motility in asthenospermic men Khosronezhad N, Colagar AH, Jorsarayi SG. The NOP2/Sun domain family, member 7 (Nsun7) gene, which encodes putative methyltransferase Nsun7, has a role in sperm motility in mice. In humans, this gene is located on chromosome 4 with 12 exons. The aim of the present study was to investigate mutations of exon 7 in the normospermic and asthenospermic men. Semen samples were collected from the Fatemezahra IVF centre (Babol, Iran) and analysed on the basis of World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines using general phenol-chloroform DNA extraction methods. Exon 7 was amplified using Sun7-F and Sun7-R primers. Bands on samples from asthenospermic men that exhibited different patterns of movement on single-strand conformation polymorphism gels compared with normal samples were identified and subjected to sequencing for further identification of possible mutations. Direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products, along with their analysis, confirmed C26232T-transition and T26248G-transversion mutations in asthenospermic men. Comparison of normal and mutant protein structures of Nsun7 indicated that the amino acid serine was converted to alanine, the structure of the helix, coil and strand was changed, and the protein folding and ligand binding sites were changed in samples from asthenospermic men with a transversion mutation in exon 7, indicating impairment of protein function. Because Nsun7 gene products have a role in sperm motility, if an impairment occurs in exon 7 of this gene, it may lead to infertility. The transversion mutation in exon 7 of the Nsun7 gene can be used as an infertility marker in asthenospermic men. FAU - Khosronezhad, Nahid AU - Khosronezhad N AD - Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, 47416-95447, Iran. FAU - Colagar, Abasalt Hosseinzadeh AU - Colagar AH AD - Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, 47416-95447, Iran. |