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PMID | 24031091 |
Gene Name | PROKR2 |
Condition | Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Kallmann syndrome |
Association |
The great prevalence of PROKR2 mutations in Maghrebian patients has practical consequences for molecular diagnosis of thedisease and genetic counseling in the Maghrebian population. |
Population size | 832 |
Population details | 832 (120 presumably unrelated Maghrebian patients, 712 European patients) |
Sex | Male, Female |
Infertility type | Male infertility, Female infertility |
Associated genes | KAL1, FGFR1, FGF8, PROKR2, and PROK2 |
Other associated phenotypes |
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Kallmann syndrome |
Greater prevalence of PROKR2 mutations in Kallmann syndrome patients from the Maghreb than in European patients Sarfati J, Fouveaut C, Leroy C, Jeanpierre M, Hardelin JP, Dodé C. CONTEXT: Kallmann syndrome (KS) is a genetically heterogeneous developmental disorder that associates hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia. Various causative genes have been identified, but their respective involvement in different world regions is poorly documented. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to compare the prevalence of mutations in five routinely analyzed KS genes between Maghrebian and European patients. METHODS: Blood samples from 120 presumably unrelated Maghrebian patients were collected for DNA sequencing by the Sanger technique. The prevalence of the non-synonymous mutations in KAL1, FGFR1, FGF8, PROKR2, and PROK2 was determined for each gene, and compared with those previously obtained from the analysis of 712 European patients. RESULTS: Diverse mutations in PROKR2, a gene involved both in monogenic recessive and digenic/oligogenic KS transmission modes, were found in 23.3% of the Maghrebian patients, but only in 5.1% of the European patients (Fisher's exact test, P<0.001), whereas mutations in each of the other four KS genes were present either at similar frequencies in the Maghrebian and European patients (KAL1, PROK2, FGF8, from 6.6 to 0.8%; Fisher's exact test, P>0.4 for all comparisons) or at a lower frequency in Maghrebian patients (FGFR1, 5.0 vs 11.7%; Fisher's exact test, P<0.05). Homozygosity resulting from consanguineous marriages was not sufficient to account for the greater prevalence of PROKR2 mutations in the Maghrebian patients. CONCLUSIONS: The great prevalence of PROKR2 mutations in Maghrebian patients has practical consequences for molecular diagnosis of the disease and genetic counseling in the Maghrebian population. FAU - Sarfati, Julie AU - Sarfati J AD - Département de Génétique et Développement, Institut Cochin, Inserm U1016, Université Paris-Descartes, Paris, France. FAU - Fouveaut, Corinne AU - Fouveaut C FAU - Leroy, Chrystel AU - Leroy C FAU - Jeanpierre, Marc AU - Jeanpierre M FAU - Hardelin, Jean-Pierre AU - Hardelin JP |