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PMID 22353264
Gene Name ANXA2
Condition Asthenozoospermia
Association Associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes ANXA2, BRD2, OAZ3
Other associated phenotypes Asthenozoospermia

Differential RNAs in the sperm cells of asthenozoospermic patients

Jodar M, Kalko S, Castillo J, Ballescŕ JL, Oliva R.

BACKGROUND: Alterations in RNAs present in sperm have been identified using microarrays in teratozoospermic patients and in other types of infertile patients. However, so far, there have been no reports on using microarrays to determine the RNA content of sperm from asthenozoospermic patients. METHODS: We started the present project with the goal of characterizing the RNA abundance in the sperm cells of asthenozoospermic patients when compared with controls. To reach this objective, we initially selected four normal fertile donors and four asthenozoospermic infertile patients. Equal amounts of RNA were extracted from the sperm samples, subjected to different quality controls and hybridized to the Affymetrix U133 Plus version 2 arrays. RESULTS: Several transcripts were identified that were present in different abundance in patients compared with controls. Subsequently, we validated the differential expression of three of the detected transcripts (ANXA2, BRD2 and OAZ3), using real-time PCR in a larger set of samples. A positive correlation between the expression of these transcripts and progressive motility was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The sperm cells of asthenozoospermic patients contain an altered amount of some RNAs as detected using microarray analysis and subsequently validated using real-time PCR. These results open up the possibility to investigate the implication of these genes in the pathogenic mechanisms in asthenozoospermia and to consider their potential utility as infertility biomarkers. FAU - Jodar, Meritxell AU - Jodar M AD - Human Genetics Research Group, IDIBAPS, University of Barcelona, Hospital ClĂ­nic, C/Casanova 143, Barcelona 08036, Spain. FAU - Kalko, Susana AU - Kalko S FAU - Castillo, Judit AU - Castillo J FAU - BallescĂ , Josep LluĂ­s AU - BallescĂ  JL