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PMID 21898990
Gene Name KIF3A
Condition Asthenospermia
Association May be associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes KIF3B, MYO15A, KIF6, KIF26B, KIF3A, DNHD2, DMN, DYNC2H1, STARD9, MYOHD1, and TPM1
Other associated phenotypes Asthenospermia

[Differentially expressed genes in asthenospermia: a bioinformatics-based study]

Mao XM, Xing RW, Jing XW, Zhou QZ, Yu QF, Guo WB, Wu XQ, Chu QJ, Feng CQ.

OBJECTIVE: To study the differentially expressed genes in asthenospermia to gain a deeper insight into the molecular mechanisms of the disease. METHODS: We analyzed the differentially expressed genes in asthenospermia using GATHER, PANTHER and ToppGene online bioinformatics tools. RESULTS: Our bioinformatics mining and analyses revealed that the differentially expressed genes in asthenospermia played important roles in the cellular protein and macromolecular metabolism, protein modification, cell death, cell apoptosis and apoptosis induction. CONCLUSION: Asthenospermia patients experience a decline in sperm activity and the basic life activities of sperm simultaneously, and are also prone to cell apoptosis or death. Such differentially expressed genes as KIF3B, MYO15A, KIF6, KIF26B, KIF3A, DNHD2, DMN, DYNC2H1, STARD9, MYOHD1, and TPM1, which are involved in cytoskeletal structure, microtubule movement and cell movement, may be associated with asthenospermia, and therefore deserve further studies. FAU - Mao, Xiang-Ming AU - Mao XM AD - Department of Urology, Nanfang Hospital, Guangdong 510515, China. mxm@fimmu.com FAU - Xing, Rong-Wei AU - Xing RW FAU - Jing, Xiao-Wei AU - Jing XW FAU - Zhou, Qi-Zhao AU - Zhou QZ FAU - Yu, Qing-Feng AU - Yu QF FAU - Guo, Wen-Bin AU - Guo WB FAU - Wu, Xiao-Qiang AU - Wu XQ FAU - Chu, Qing-Jun AU - Chu QJ