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PMID 21340153
Gene Name NR5A1
Condition Infertility
Association No deletions in NR5A1 was observed
Population size 1
Population details 1 patient
Age 16 months
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes XX male syndrome, hypospadia

46,XX male - testicular disorder of sexual differentiation (DSD): hormonal, molecular and cytogenetic studies

Alves C, Braid Z, Coeli FB, Mello MP.

The XX male syndrome - Testicular Disorder of Sexual Differentiation (DSD) is a rare condition characterized by a spectrum of clinical presentations, ranging from ambiguous to normal male genitalia. We report hormonal, molecular and cytogenetic evaluations of a boy presenting with this syndrome. Examination of the genitalia at age of 16 months, showed: penis of 3.5 cm, proximal hypospadia and scrotal testes. Pelvic ultrasound did not demonstrate Mullerian duct structures. Karyotype was 46,XX. Gonadotrophin stimulation test yielded insufficient testosterone production. Gonadal biopsy showed seminiferous tubules without evidence of Leydig cells. Molecular studies revealed that SRY and TSPY genes and also DYZ3 sequences were absent. In addition, the lack of deletions or duplications of SOX9, NR5A1, WNT4 and NROB1 regions was verified. The infant was heterozygous for all microsatellites at the 9p region, including DMRT1 gene, investigated. Only 10% of the patients are SRY-negative and usually they have ambiguous genitalia, as the aforementioned patient. The incomplete masculinization suggests gain of function mutation in one or more genes downstream to SRY gene. FAU - Alves, Cresio AU - Alves C AD - Pediatric Endocrinology Service, Hospital Universitário Professor Edgard Santos, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. cresio.alves@uol.com.br FAU - Braid, Zilda AU - Braid Z FAU - Coeli, Fernanda Borchers AU - Coeli FB