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PMID 20724452
Gene Name HSF2
Condition Assocaited with male germ cell maturation, spermatogenesis
Association Associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Assocaited with male germ cell maturation, spermatogenesis

miR-18, a member of Oncomir-1, targets heat shock transcription factor 2 in spermatogenesis

Björk JK, Sandqvist A, Elsing AN, Kotaja N, Sistonen L.

miR-18 belongs to the Oncomir-1 or miR-17~92 cluster that is intimately associated with the occurrence and progression of different types of cancer. However, the physiological roles of the Oncomir-1 cluster and its individual miRNAs are largely unknown. Here, we describe a novel function for miR-18 in mouse. We show that miR-18 directly targets heat shock factor 2 (HSF2), a transcription factor that influences a wide range of developmental processes including embryogenesis and gametogenesis. Furthermore, we show that miR-18 is highly abundant in testis, displaying distinct cell-type-specific expression during the epithelial cycle that constitutes spermatogenesis. Expression of HSF2 and of miR-18 exhibit an inverse correlation during spermatogenesis, indicating that, in germ cells, HSF2 is downregulated by miR-18. To investigate the in vivo function of miR-18 we developed a novel method, T-GIST, and demonstrate that inhibition of miR-18 in intact seminiferous tubules leads to increased HSF2 protein levels and altered expression of HSF2 target genes. Our results reveal that miR-18 regulates HSF2 activity in spermatogenesis and link miR-18 to HSF2-mediated physiological processes such as male germ cell maturation. FAU - Björk, Johanna K AU - Björk JK AD - Department of Biosciences, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland. FAU - Sandqvist, Anton AU - Sandqvist A FAU - Elsing, Alexandra N AU - Elsing AN FAU - Kotaja, Noora AU - Kotaja N