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PMID 2070861
Gene Name PCLAF
Condition Male subfertility
Association Associated
Population size 14
Population details 14 (6 randomly chosen normal donors, 8 asthenozoospermic patients)
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes PAF
Other associated phenotypes Male subfertility

Platelet-activating factor in sperm from fertile and subfertile men

Angle MJ, Tom R, Khoo D, McClure RD.

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To examine the proposed role of platelet-activating factor (PAF) as a mediator of sperm function first by quantitating the concentration of PAF in sperm and second by incubating sperm with PAF and assessing the change in sperm motion parameters with a computerized motion analysis system. DESIGN: Retrospective, case-control study. SETTING: University hospital urology clinic. PATIENTS: Concentrations of PAF were measured in sperm from 6 randomly chosen normal donors and 8 asthenozoospermic patients. The change in sperm motion parameters was assessed in sperm from 10 randomly chosen normal donors and 7 asthenozoospermic patients. RESULTS: Platelet-activating factor concentrations were significantly higher (P less than 0.05) in spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic patients (149 +/- 18.0 fmol/10(6) sperm) than in sperm from normal donors (91.9 +/- 13.0 fmol/10(6) sperm). Exogenous PAF did not enhance the percent motility of precapacitated or capacitated sperm from either patients or donors, and computerized semen analysis revealed no enhancement of sperm motion parameters in asthenozoospermic patients after addition of PAF to either precapacitated or capacitated sperm. CONCLUSION: Platelet-activating factor does not appear to have therapeutic value as a means of enhancing sperm motility. FAU - Angle, M J AU - Angle MJ AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco. FAU - Tom, R AU - Tom R FAU - Khoo, D AU - Khoo D