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PMID 20458976
Gene Name AR
Condition Azoospermia, Oligozoospermia
Association The frequency of alleles with CAG-repeats > or = 28 significantly differed (P < 0,01) between the group of patients with oligozoospermia (12,5%) and the control group (2,4%). The data suggest an association between CAG repeats number and impaired spermato
Mutation CAG repeats
Population size 352
Population details 352 (228 infertile males with azoospermia (n = 68) and oligozoospermia (n = 160) as well as in control group (124 proven fathers))
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

[Androgen receptor CAG gene polymorphism in men with azoospermia and oligozoospermia in Ukraine]

Fesa? OA, Kravchenko SA, Tyrkus MIa, Makukh GV, Zinchenko VM, Strelko GV, Livshits LA.

The number of CAG repeats of exon 1 of AR gene was determined in a group of 228 infertile males with azoospermia (n = 68) and oligozoospermia (n = 160) as well as in control group (124 proven fathers) by fluorescent polymerase chain reaction amplification followed by fragment analysis on automated fluorescent analyzer "A.L.F-express". The frequency of alleles with GAG-repeats < or = 18 was significantly higher (P < 0,01) in the group of patients with azoospermia (17,7%) comparing with the control group (2,4%) as well as in the group of patients with oligozoospermia (12,5%) comparing with the control group (2,4%). The frequency of alleles with CAG-repeats > or = 28 significantly differed (P < 0,01) between the group of patients with oligozoospermia (12,5%) and the control group (2,4%). Our data suggest an association between CAG repeats number and impaired spermatogenesis in azoospermic and oligozoospermic males. FAU - FesaÄ­, O A AU - FesaÄ­ OA FAU - Kravchenko, S A AU - Kravchenko SA FAU - Tyrkus, M Ia AU - Tyrkus MIa FAU - Makukh, G V AU - Makukh GV FAU - Zinchenko, V M AU - Zinchenko VM FAU - Strelko, G V AU - Strelko GV