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PMID | 20075417 |
Gene Name | PMS2 |
Condition | Impaired human spermatogenesis |
Association |
The MMR gene expression values, with the exception of PMS2, are significantly decreased in men with spermatogenic failure. The pattern of MMR reduction correlates with the severity of damage, being maximum in maturation arrest. Specifically, expression of |
Population size | 28 |
Population details | 28 (13 patients with spermatogenic failure, 5 patients with primary germ cell tumors, 10 controls with conserved spermatogenesis) |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Associated genes | MLH1, MLH3, PMS2, MSH4, and MSH5, ATR, HSPA2, and SYCP3 |
Other associated phenotypes |
Impaired human spermatogenesis |
Changes in the expression profile of the meiosis-involved mismatch repair genes in impaired human spermatogenesis Terribas E, Bonache S, García-Arévalo M, Sánchez J, Franco E, Bassas L, Larriba S. DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes have been described to participate in crossover events during meiotic recombination, which is, in turn, a key step of spermatogenesis. This evidence suggests that MMR family gene expression may be altered in infertile men with defective sperm production. In order to determine the expression profile of MMR genes in impaired human spermatogenesis, we performed transcript levels analysis of MMR genes (MLH1, MLH3, PMS2, MSH4, and MSH5), and other meiosis-involved genes (ATR, HSPA2, and SYCP3) as controls, by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in testis from 13 patients with spermatogenic failure, 5 patients with primary germ cell tumors, and 10 controls with conserved spermatogenesis. Correlation of the expression values with the histological findings was also performed. The MMR gene expression values, with the exception of PMS2, are significantly decreased in men with spermatogenic failure. The pattern of MMR reduction correlates with the severity of damage, being maximum in maturation arrest. Specifically, expression of the testicular MSH4 gene could be useful as a surrogate marker for the presence of intratesticular elongated spermatid in patients with nonobstructive azoospermia, contributing to predict the viability of assisted reproduction. Interestingly, a reduction in the MSH4 and MSH5 transcript concentration per spermatocyte was also observed. The decreased expression level of other meiosis-specific genes, such as HSPA2 and SYCP3, suggests that the spermatocyte capacity to express meiosis-related genes is markedly reduced in spermatogenic failure, contributing to meiosis impairment and spermatogenic blockade. FAU - Terribas, Ernest AU - Terribas E AD - Medical and Molecular Genetics Center-Fundació IDIBELL, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain. FAU - Bonache, Sandra AU - Bonache S FAU - GarcÃa-Arévalo, Marta AU - GarcÃa-Arévalo M FAU - Sánchez, Josvany AU - Sánchez J FAU - Franco, Eladio AU - Franco E FAU - Bassas, LluÃs AU - Bassas L |