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PMID 19527232
Gene Name IL-10
Condition Impaired human spermatogenesis
Association Significantly higher amounts of IL-6 mRNA were observed in testicular tumor samples than in normal spermatogenesis or in some syndromes with maturation arrest (MA at spermatid level or SCOS), while IL-10 gene levels were fairly stable. In homogenates with
Population size 39
Population details 39 (10 controls, 29 azoospermic patients (9 Sertoli cell only syndrome, 7 undefined maturation arrest, 4 maturation arrest at a spermatocyte stage, 3 maturation arrest at a spermatid stage and OA, 6 obstructive azospermia ) )
Age Controls: 65–84 years, Patients: 21–40 years
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha, TNFR1 and TNFR2
Other associated phenotypes Impaired human spermatogenesis

The role of IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha and its receptors TNFR1 and TNFR2 in the local regulatory system of normal and impaired human spermatogenesis

Bia?as M, Fiszer D, Rozwadowska N, Kosicki W, Jedrzejczak P, Kurpisz M.

PROBLEM: To investigate the expression of genes coding for selected cytokines with antagonistic functions (IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha) as well as TNF-alpha receptors (TNFR1 and TNFR2) in correct spermatogenesis (normal proliferation), maturation arrest (proliferation inhibited) and testicular tumors (overgrowth). METHOD OF STUDY: Transcription levels of genes coding for IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha, TNFR1 and TNFR2 were quantitatively examined using a real-time RT-PCR. RESULTS: Significantly higher amounts of IL-6 mRNA were observed in testicular tumor samples than in normal spermatogenesis or in some syndromes with maturation arrest (MA at spermatid level or SCOS), while IL-10 gene levels were fairly stable. In homogenates with maturation arrest, the expression of TNFR1 gene was markedly higher than in testicular tumors, while the opposite phenomenon was found in respect to TNFR2 gene. CONCLUSION: The results obtained indicate that changes in activities of intra-testicular cytokines may promote different distinct pathologies such as testicular cancer or infertility. FAU - BiaƂas, MaƂgorzata AU - BiaƂas M AD - Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, PoznaƄ 60-479, Poland. FAU - Fiszer, Dorota AU - Fiszer D FAU - Rozwadowska, Natalia AU - Rozwadowska N FAU - Kosicki, WƂodzimierz AU - Kosicki W FAU - Jedrzejczak, Piotr AU - Jedrzejczak P