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PMID 18676362
Gene Name AR
Condition Spermatogenetic defects, Male infertility
Association  The results suggest that chromosomal aberrations and Y-chromosomal microdeletions are related to male infertility in Mexican men. In addition, expansion of the CAG repeat segments of the androgen receptor is not correlated with male idiopathic infertilit
Mutation CAG repeat length
Population size 122
Population details 122 (82 infertile, 40 controls )
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Spermatogenetic defects, Male infertility

Genetic screening in infertile Mexican men: chromosomal abnormalities, Y chromosome deletions, and androgen receptor CAG repeat length

Martínez-Garza SG, Gallegos-Rivas MC, Vargas-Maciel M, Rubio-Rubio JM, de Los Monteros-Rodríguez ME, González-Ortega C, Cancino-Villarreal P, de Lara LG, Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez AM.

In our study, we analyzed chromosomal abnormalities, Y chromosome deletions, androgen receptor CAG repeat length and their association with defective spermatogenesis in infertile Mexican men. Eighty-two infertile patients and 40 controls were screened for karyotypic abnormalities, Y chromosome microdeletions, and CAG repeats. Nine infertile males (11%) carried chromosomal abnormalities and 10 (12.2%) presented Y chromosome microdeletions. The mean CAG repeat length was 21.6 and 20.88 base pairs in idiopathic infertile males and controls, respectively. Our results suggest that chromosomal aberrations and Y-chromosomal microdeletions are related to male infertility in Mexican men. In addition, expansion of the CAG repeat segments of the androgen receptor is not correlated with male idiopathic infertility. FAU - Martínez-Garza, Sandra Guadalupe AU - Martínez-Garza SG AD - Instituto de Ciencias en Reproducción Humana Vida (Instituto Vida), Plaza Las Américas 115, Col Jardines del Moral, León, Guanajuato, México CP 37160. samartin30@yahoo.com FAU - Gallegos-Rivas, Mayra Celina AU - Gallegos-Rivas MC FAU - Vargas-Maciel, Marcos AU - Vargas-Maciel M FAU - Rubio-Rubio, Juan Manuel AU - Rubio-Rubio JM FAU - de Los Monteros-Rodríguez, Mario Espinosa AU - de Los Monteros-Rodríguez ME FAU - González-Ortega, Claudia AU - González-Ortega C FAU - Cancino-Villarreal, Patricia AU - Cancino-Villarreal P FAU - de Lara, Luis G Vazquez AU - de Lara LG