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PMID 18536151
Gene Name H2AX
Condition Spermatogenic impairment
Association No mutations or other sequence variants were identified in the 500 subjects tested. This suggests that it is unlikely that the H2AX mutations are a common genetic cause of spermatogenicimpairment in idiopathic infertile men.
Population size 500
Population details 500 (302 patients with azoospermia or severe oligospermia, 198 normospermic controls)
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Spermatogenic impairment

Absence of the H2AX mutations in idiopathic infertile men with spermatogenic impairment

Zhang W, Yang Y, Su D, Ma Y, Zhang S.

H2AX is a histone H2A variant and one of the evolutionarily conserved fertility factors involved in DNA repair to maintain the genomic integrity and ensure the proper meiotic process. Male H2ax mutant mice are infertile and display defective meiosis. To investigate the possible association of variations of the H2AX gene with spermatogenic impairment in humans, mutation screening of the entire coding region of this gene was carried out in 302 patients with azoospermia or severe oligospermia along with 198 normospermic controls. No mutations or other sequence variants were identified in the 500 subjects tested. This suggests that it is unlikely that the H2AX mutations are a common genetic cause of spermatogenic impairment in idiopathic infertile men. FAU - Zhang, Wei AU - Zhang W AD - Department of Medical Genetics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, People's Republic of China. FAU - Yang, Yuan AU - Yang Y FAU - Su, Dan AU - Su D FAU - Ma, Yongxin AU - Ma Y