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PMID 18292846
Gene Name PRM2
Condition Asthenozoospermic
Association The findings indicate that a reduction in contents of PRM1 and PRM2 transcripts in spermatozoa may be linked with asthenozoospermia.
Population size 170
Population details 170 (70 normozoospermic, 100 asthenozoospermic)
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes PRM1, PRM2
Other associated phenotypes Asthenozoospermic

Evaluation of protamines 1 and 2 transcript contents in spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic men

Kempisty B, Depa-Martynow M, Lianeri M, Jedrzejczak P, Darul-Wasowicz A, Jagodzinski PP.

During mammalian spermatogenesis, the chromatin structure undergoes substantial condensation. The key role in this process is played by protamines 1 and 2 (PRM1, PRM2). We attempted to compare the levels of PRM1 and PRM2 transcripts in mature spermatozoa of normospermic and asthenozoospermic men. Human ejaculates from normozoospermic (n=70) and asthenozoospermic (n=100) donors were purified by centrifugation through discontinuous Percoll density gradient. RNA was isolated from spermatozoa according to the Chomczyñski and Sacchi method, treated with DNase I, and reverse-transcribed into cDNA. Using reverse transcription and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis, we found a reduction in the levels of PRM1 and PRM2 transcripts in spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic men, as compared to controls (P<0.001). Our findings indicate that a reduction in contents of PRM1 and PRM2 transcripts in spermatozoa may be linked with asthenozoospermia. FAU - Kempisty, Bartosz AU - Kempisty B AD - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland. FAU - Depa-Martynow, Magdalena AU - Depa-Martynow M FAU - Lianeri, Margarita AU - Lianeri M FAU - Jedrzejczak, Piotr AU - Jedrzejczak P FAU - Darul-Wasowicz, Agnieszka AU - Darul-Wasowicz A