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PMID | 17559848 |
Gene Name | INSL3 |
Condition | Infertility |
Association |
The common INSL3 G178A polymorphism was not statistically significantly associated with male infertility (P>.05), even though INSL3 is essential for the occurrence of bilateral cryptorchidism. |
PMID | 17559848 |
Gene Name | INSL3 |
Condition | Nonobstructive male infertility, bilateral cryptorchidism |
Association |
The common INSL3 G178A polymorphism was not statistically significantly associated with male infertility (P>.05), even though INSL3 is essential for the occurrence of bilateral cryptorchidism. |
Mutation | INSL3 G178A polymorphism |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Other associated phenotypes |
Nonobstructive male infertility, bilateral cryptorchidism |
Preliminary analysis of the G178A polymorphism of insulin-like factor 3 in male infertility Yun YJ, Lee HC, Kim JE, Song SH, Lee S. We investigated the association of nonsynonymous insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) G178A polymorphism with nonobstructive male infertility. The common INSL3 G178A polymorphism was not statistically significantly associated with male infertility (P>.05), even though INSL3 is essential for the occurrence of bilateral cryptorchidism. FAU - Yun, Yeo-Jin AU - Yun YJ AD - Functional Genomics Lab, CHA Research Institute, Bundang Campus, College of Medicine, Pochon CHA University, Sungnam City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea. FAU - Lee, Han-Chul AU - Lee HC FAU - Kim, Jee-Eun AU - Kim JE FAU - Song, Seung-Hun AU - Song SH |