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PMID 17559848
Gene Name INSL3
Condition Infertility
Association The common INSL3 G178A polymorphism was not statistically significantly associated with male infertility (P>.05), even though INSL3 is essential for the occurrence of bilateral cryptorchidism.
PMID 17559848
Gene Name INSL3
Condition Nonobstructive male infertility, bilateral cryptorchidism
Association The common INSL3 G178A polymorphism was not statistically significantly associated with male infertility (P>.05), even though INSL3 is essential for the occurrence of bilateral cryptorchidism.
Mutation INSL3 G178A polymorphism
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Nonobstructive male infertility, bilateral cryptorchidism

Preliminary analysis of the G178A polymorphism of insulin-like factor 3 in male infertility

Yun YJ, Lee HC, Kim JE, Song SH, Lee S.

We investigated the association of nonsynonymous insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) G178A polymorphism with nonobstructive male infertility. The common INSL3 G178A polymorphism was not statistically significantly associated with male infertility (P>.05), even though INSL3 is essential for the occurrence of bilateral cryptorchidism. FAU - Yun, Yeo-Jin AU - Yun YJ AD - Functional Genomics Lab, CHA Research Institute, Bundang Campus, College of Medicine, Pochon CHA University, Sungnam City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea. FAU - Lee, Han-Chul AU - Lee HC FAU - Kim, Jee-Eun AU - Kim JE FAU - Song, Seung-Hun AU - Song SH