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PMID 1712445
Gene Name MOS
Condition May be a regulator of meiosis during spermatogenesis
Association Associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes May be a regulator of meiosis during spermatogenesis

A 43 kD c-mos protein is only expressed before meiosis during rat spermatogenesis

van der Hoorn FA, Spiegel JE, Maylié-Pfenninger MF, Nordeen SK.

We have investigated the RNA and protein expression pattern of the rat c-mos proto-oncogene during spermatogenesis. In mouse testis a 43kD c-mos protein is expressed throughout spermatogenesis, which is in agreement with one report detecting a 1.7 kb c-mos RNA in pachytene spermatocytes and in early spermatids. However, several other reports show that the mouse 1.7 kb c-mos RNA is exclusively expressed in post-meiotic male germ cells. We report that in rat male germ cells three c-mos RNA species of 5, 3.6 and 1.7 kb are detectable by Northern blotting analysis both before and after meiosis, with highest levels in early spermatids. However, western immuno-blot analysis reveals the presence of a 43 kD c-mos protein in total testis and pachytene spermatocytes, but not in post-meiotic cells. These findings combined with those made in the mouse system strongly suggest that c-mos protein may be a regulator of meiosis during spermatogenesis. FAU - van der Hoorn, F A AU - van der Hoorn FA AD - Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. FAU - Spiegel, J E AU - Spiegel JE FAU - Maylié-Pfenninger, M F AU - Maylié-Pfenninger MF