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PMID 17027356
Gene Name AR
Condition Arrested spermatogenesis
Association Impaired spermatogenesis in elderly men does not seem to be correlated with the AR gene CAG repeat length, which therefore does not appear to be a risk factor for impaired spermatogenesis in older men.
Mutation CAG repeat polymorphism
Population size 28
Population details 28 aged men
Age 53 to 102 years
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Impaired spermatogenesis

Association between androgen receptor gene CAG trinucleotide repeat length and testicular histology in older men

Dakouane-Giudicelli M, Legrand B, Bergere M, Giudicelli Y, Cussenot O, Selva J.

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the size of CAG repeat in exon 1 of the androgen receptor (AR) gene is related to impaired spermatogenesis in older men. DESIGN: Study of two groups of older men: one with preserved spermatogenesis and the other with arrested spermatogenesis. SETTING: University teaching hospital. PATIENT(S): Twenty-eight men aged from 53 to 102 years. INTERVENTION(S): The DNA fragment encoding the AR polyglutamine tract was amplified from DNA of testis tissue. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The size of the CAG repeat was evaluated by using fluorescent-labeled polymerase chain reaction performed on an ABI Prism 377 DNA sequencer followed by automated analysis with Genscan 3.1.2 software. RESULT(S): Mean CAG repeat length was 22.76 +/- 3 in the group of 13 aged men with preserved spermatogenesis and 21.86 +/- 2.23 in the group of 15 aged men with arrested spermatogenesis. CONCLUSION(S): Impaired spermatogenesis in elderly men does not seem to be correlated with the AR gene CAG repeat length, which therefore does not appear to be a risk factor for impaired spermatogenesis in older men. FAU - Dakouane-Giudicelli, Mbarka AU - Dakouane-Giudicelli M AD - Service Histologie Embryologie Biologie de la Reproduction-Cytogénétique, Saint-Quentin, France. dakouane@hotmail.com FAU - Legrand, Beatrice AU - Legrand B FAU - Bergere, Marianne AU - Bergere M FAU - Giudicelli, Yves AU - Giudicelli Y FAU - Cussenot, Olivier AU - Cussenot O