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PMID 16036917
Gene Name CATSPER2
Condition Infertility
Association The findings suggest that the expression of Catsper 1& 2 are co-dependent and dictates identical loss-of-function sperm phenotypes
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility

Identical phenotypes of CatSper1 and CatSper2 null sperm

Carlson AE, Quill TA, Westenbroek RE, Schuh SM, Hille B, Babcock DF.

Among several candidate Ca(2+) entry channels in sperm, only CatSper1 and CatSper2 are known to have required roles in male fertility. Past work with CatSper1 null sperm indicates that a critical lesion in hyperactivated motility underlies the infertility phenotype and is associated with an absence of depolarization-evoked Ca(2+)entry. Here we show that failure of hyperactivation of CatSper2 null sperm similarly correlates with an absence of depolarization evoked Ca(2+) entry. Additional shared aspects of the phenotypes of CatSper1 and -2 null sperm include unperturbed regional distributions of conventional voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel proteins and robust acceleration of the flagellar beat by bicarbonate. Further study reveals that treatment of both wild-type and CatSper2 null sperm with procaine increases beat asymmetry, a characteristic of the flagellar waveform of hyperactivation. This partial rescue of the loss-of-hyperactivation phenotype suggests that an absence of CatSper2 precludes hyperactivation by preventing delivery of needed Ca(2+) messenger rather than by preventing flagellar responses to Ca(2+). CatSper2 null sperm also have an increased basal cAMP content and beat frequency. Protein kinase A inhibitor H89 lowers beat frequency to that of wild-type sperm, suggesting that CatSper2 is required for protein kinase A-mediated, tonic control of resting cAMP content. Relative to wild-type testis, CatSper1 and -2 null testes contain normal amounts of CatSper2 and -1 transcripts, respectively. However, CatSper1 null sperm lack CatSper2 protein and CatSper2 null sperm lack CatSper1 protein. Hence, stable expression of CatSper1 protein requires CatSper2 and vice versa. This co-dependent expression dictates identical loss-of-function sperm phenotypes for CatSper1 and -2 null mutants. FAU - Carlson, Anne E AU - Carlson AE AD - Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington, Seattle, 98195, USA. FAU - Quill, Timothy A AU - Quill TA FAU - Westenbroek, Ruth E AU - Westenbroek RE FAU - Schuh, Sonya M AU - Schuh SM FAU - Hille, Bertil AU - Hille B