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PMID 15948408
Gene Name FSH
Condition Varicocele
Association Associated
Population size 139
Population details 139 infertile patients who underwent varicocelectomy
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes FSH
Other associated phenotypes Varicocele

[Predictive factors associated with successful varicocele repair a study of 139 infertile men with valicocele]

Kiuchi H, Koga M, Hirai T, Namba Y, Takeyama M, Nishimura K, Tsujimura A, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A.

PURPOSE: To determine pretreatment parameters which predict improvements following varicocele repaire in semen quality. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated a total of 139 infertile patients who underwent varicocelectomy from February 1995 to March 2000. A logistic regression analysis was performed to identify parameters associated with improvements in semen quality. Parameters evaluated included varicocele grade, age, testicular volume, serum testosterone, liteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), preoperative sperm density and sperm motility. RESULTS: Of 139 patients 71 (51.0%) improved sperm concentration and 59 (42.4%) improved sperm motility postoperatively. Overall, median sperm density significantly increased from 10 x 10(6)/ml preoperatively to 30 x 10(6)/ml postoperatively. Sperm motility also significantly increased 33% to 45%. In logistic regression analysis, varicocele grade (odds ratio [OR] = 5.7; 95% confidential interval [CI : 1.9-17), FSH level ([OR] = 0.76; [CI]: 0.60-0.96) and sperm motility ([OR] = 1.03; [CI]: 1.0-1.1) were independent predictive factors for improvement in sperm concentration. CONCLUSION: Varicocelectomy improves sperm concentration and motility. Our data suggest that patients with grade 3 varicocele, low serum FSH level and high sperm motility are more likely to benefit from varicocele repair in sperm concentration. FAU - Kiuchi, Hiroshi AU - Kiuchi H AD - Department of Urology, Osaka Central Hospital. FAU - Koga, Minoru AU - Koga M FAU - Hirai, Toshiaki AU - Hirai T FAU - Namba, Yukiomi AU - Namba Y FAU - Takeyama, Masami AU - Takeyama M FAU - Nishimura, Kenji AU - Nishimura K FAU - Tsujimura, Akira AU - Tsujimura A FAU - Matsumiya, Kiyomi AU - Matsumiya K