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PMID 15941919
Gene Name AR
Condition CAIS
Association Her testosterone, FSH and LH levels were very low compared with her younger sister. No mutation in the KAL1 and FGFR1/KAL2 genes were found. This unique report raises the possibility of an autosomal recessive or X-linked form of KS with new phenotypic exp
Population size 2
Population details 2 CAIS
Age 13yrs, 12 yrs
Sex Female
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility

Coexistence of Kallmann syndrome and complete androgen insensitivity in the same patient

Gannagé-Yared MH, Dodé C, Ghanem I, Chouery E, Jalkh N, Hardelin JP, Mégarbané A.

Kallmann syndrome (KS) is a developmental disease that combines hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia/hyposmia. Other congenital abnormalities may also coexist. This present report describes two sisters, aged 13 and 12 years, born from Lebanese consanguineous parents. The two sisters have complete androgen insensitivity (normal female appearance and an XY karyotype) due to a novel mutation, a C-to-G transversion in intron 2 of the androgen receptor gene, resulting in an aberrant splicing leading to an insertion of 66 nucleotides in the mRNA. In addition, the older sister has KS, together with synkinesia and multiple skeletal abnormalities, mainly kyphosis, vertebral abnormalities, and short right hand and feet. Her testosterone, FSH and LH levels were very low compared with her younger sister. No mutation in the KAL1 and FGFR1/KAL2 genes were found. This unique report raises the possibility of an autosomal recessive or X-linked form of KS with new phenotypic expression. FAU - Gannagé-Yared, Marie-Hélène AU - Gannagé-Yared MH AD - Service d'Endocrinologie, Service d'Orthopédie, Hôtel-Dieu de France Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon. FAU - Dodé, Catherine AU - Dodé C FAU - Ghanem, Ismat AU - Ghanem I FAU - Chouery, Eliane AU - Chouery E FAU - Jalkh, Nadine AU - Jalkh N FAU - Hardelin, Jean-Pierre AU - Hardelin JP