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PMID 15934454
Gene Name AR
Condition Idiopathic azoospermic and oligospermic 
Association The polymorphism of the repeat length of the (CAG) n satellite in androgen receptor gene may affect spermatogenesis and have a less important role in male infertility.
Mutation (CAG)n polymorphism
Population size 83
Population details 83 (52 oligospermia, 31 with azoospermia )
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Idiopathic azoospermic and oligospermic 

[(CAG) n polymorphism of androgen receptor gene in idiopathic azoospermic and oligospermic Chinese men]

Li ZX, Tang WH, Wang ZH, Wang L, Wang YY, Ma LL, Ma X.

OBJECTIVE: To research (CAG)n polymorphism of androgen receptor gene in idiopathic azoospermic and oligospermic Chinese men, and to explore its correlation with the development of dyszoospermia. METHODS: Fifty-two men with oligospermia and 31 with azoospermia were enrolled, the number of CAG sequence repeats determined by PCR and denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), and (CAG)n polymorphism analyzed. RESULTS: The CAG repeats in the men with oligospermia and those with azoospermia were 22.19 and 22.13 respectively. CONCLUSION: The polymorphism of the repeat length of the (CAG) n satellite in androgen receptor gene may affect spermatogenesis and have a less important role in male infertility. FAU - Li, Zuo-Xiang AU - Li ZX AD - Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China. FAU - Tang, Wen-Hao AU - Tang WH FAU - Wang, Zhao-Hui AU - Wang ZH FAU - Wang, Lin AU - Wang L FAU - Wang, Yuan-Yuan AU - Wang YY FAU - Ma, Lu-Lin AU - Ma LL