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PMID 15910542
Gene Name DAPK3
Condition Plays a crucial role in speramtogenesis
Association Associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Plays a crucial role in speramtogenesis

TCP10L is expressed specifically in spermatogenic cells and binds to death associated protein kinase-3

Yu H, Jiang D, Guo Z, Saiyin H, Guo J, Wang X, Yu L.

The human transcriptional factor T-complex protein 10 like (TCP10L) gene is expressed exclusively in the liver and testis. However, the function of TCP10L in the testis remains unknown. We examined the expression of TCP10L in human testis and found that TCP10L was expressed specifically in the nucleus of spermatogenic cells during spermatogenesis. In addition, we identified death associated protein kinase 3 (DAPK-3/ZIP kinase) as a binding partner for TCP10L by yeast two-hybrid screening, followed with immunoprecipitation and subcellular localization experiments. Mutagenesis study revealed that this interaction was dependant on the leucine zipper motif-containing region. The specific expression pattern of TCP10L and interaction with DAPK-3 implies that TCP10L might play crucially important roles in spermatogenesis through its interaction with DAPK-3. FAU - Yu, Hongxiu AU - Yu H AD - State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Genetics, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China. FAU - Jiang, Daojun AU - Jiang D FAU - Guo, Zekun AU - Guo Z FAU - Saiyin, Hexige AU - Saiyin H FAU - Guo, Jinhu AU - Guo J FAU - Wang, Xiang AU - Wang X