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PMID | 15835798 |
Gene Name | AR |
Condition | Hypospadias |
Association |
There were 4 mutations found from the ligand binding domain of AR: exon 4[1 locus:664(ATT-->ACT] and exon 7[3 locuses: 840(CGT-->CAT),855(CGC-->CAC),859(CTC-->CTA)] in experimental group. The amino acid change of Iso664Thr may te the first findings in the |
Mutation | AR: exon 4[1 locus:664(ATT-->ACT] and exon 7[3 locuses: 840(CGT-->CAT),855(CGC-->CAC),859(CTC-->CTA)] |
Population size | 185 |
Population details | 185 (92 patients with hypospadias (penile 33, scrotal 49, perineal 10; cryptorchidism 15, micropenis 34, indirect hernia 3, augmentation of breast 2, other deformities 8; posses family history 23)), 93 controls |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Other associated phenotypes |
Hypospadias |
[Study of genic mutations of androgen receptor in hypospadias] Li Q, Li SK, Xu JJ, Wang YP, Shen Y. OBJECTIVE: To study genic mutation of androgen receptor in hypospadias in Chinese. METHODS: Ninety-two patients with hypospadias were selected for the AR gene study (penile 33, scrotal 49, perineal 10; cryptorchidism 15, micropenis 34, indirect hernia 3, augmentation of breast 2, other deformities 8; posses family history 23) while 93 health men as the control. The DNA was collected from 5 ml venous blood by using the method of phenol/chloroform, and quantified with the agarose gel electrophoresis. The 2-8 exons of AR genes were directly sequenced with a PCR technique. The locus of mutation,the change of amino acid caused by genic mutation and the functional influence of target organ were also analyzed. RESULTS: There were 4 mutations found from the ligand binding domain of AR: exon 4[1 locus:664(ATT-->ACT] and exon 7[3 locuses: 840(CGT-->CAT),855(CGC-->CAC),859(CTC-->CTA)] in experimental group. The amino acid change of Iso664Thr may te the first findings in the world. The mutation of 859(CTC-->CTA) didn't cause the change of the code amino acid. The main clinical symptoms of exon 4[664(ATT-->ACT) were micropenis, slight hypospadias and augmentation of breasts. The exon 7[840(CGT-->CAT), 855(CGC-->CAC)]was showing micropenis and severe hypospadias. The last mutation [859(CTC-->CTA)] of exon 7 showed mild hypospadias. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of exon 2-7 mutations of the androgen receptor was 4.3%. The mutations were concentrated on ligand binding domain(exon 4-7), and the main phenotypes were hypospadias accompanying with micropenis found in our experimental group. FAU - Li, Qiang AU - Li Q AD - Treatment Center of Hypospadias in Plastic Surgery Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100041, China. FAU - Li, Sen-kai AU - Li SK FAU - Xu, Jia-jie AU - Xu JJ FAU - Wang, Yan-ping AU - Wang YP |