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PMID | 12801573 |
Gene Name | AR |
Condition | Spermatogenetic failure |
Association |
A new 173A-->T (Q58L) substitution at the beginning of the CAG repeat in the transactivation-regulating domain of theandrogen receptor was found in 2 infertile Finnish men but not in 60 other infertile men or 60 controls. |
Mutation | 173A-->T (Q58L) substitution |
Population size | 122 |
Population details | 122 (62 men with spermatogenetic failure, 60 controls) |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertility |
Other associated phenotypes |
Male infertility |
A novel sequence variation in the transactivation regulating domain of the androgen receptor in two infertile Finnish men Lund A, Juvonen V, Lähdetie J, Aittomäki K, Tapanainen JS, Savontaus ML. OBJECTIVE: To study a new sequence variant at the beginning of the CAG repeat in the exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene. DESIGN: Controlled clinical study. SETTINGS: Healthy volunteers in an academic research environment. PATIENT(S): Sixty-two Finnish men with spermatogenic failure and 60 controls. INTERVENTION(S): ABI PRISM 377 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) automated sequencing. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Determining the sequence around the CAG repeat of the AR gene. RESULT(S): A new 173A-->T (Q58L) substitution at the beginning of the CAG repeat in the transactivation-regulating domain of the androgen receptor was found in 2 infertile Finnish men but not in 60 other infertile men or 60 controls. CONCLUSION(S): As the polyglutamine tract coded by the CAG repeat is crucial to spermatogenesis, the 173A-->T (Q58L) substitution might be the cause of infertility in these two Finnish men. FAU - Lund, Annastiina AU - Lund A AD - Department of Medical Genetics, University of Turku, Turku, Finland. tinalund@hotmail.com FAU - Juvonen, Vesa AU - Juvonen V FAU - Lähdetie, Jaana AU - Lähdetie J FAU - Aittomäki, Kristiina AU - Aittomäki K FAU - Tapanainen, Juha S AU - Tapanainen JS |