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PMID 12161499
Gene Name FSHB
Condition Infertility
Association The nonsense mutation in the FSHb gene was the cause of infertility in the siblings
PMID 12161499
Gene Name FSHB
Condition Azoospermia, Partial breast development
Association All mutations failed to produce measurable FSH by all assays. Unexpectedly, these siblings with isolated FSH deficiency due to a nonsense FSH beta mutation had some evidence of puberty, suggesting that other factors might preserve gonadal steroidogenesis
Mutation FSH deficiency (Cys51Gly and Val61X) and the Tyr76X
Population size 2
Population details 2 (1 male sibling with normal puberty and azoospermia, 1 female with partial breast development )
Sex Male, Female
Infertility type Male fertility, female fertility
Other associated phenotypes Azoospermia, Partial breast development

FSH beta gene mutations in a female with partial breast development and a male sibling with normal puberty and azoospermia

Layman LC, Porto AL, Xie J, da Motta LA, da Motta LD, Weiser W, Sluss PM.

FSH is a dimeric pituitary glycoprotein hormone that regulates gonadal function. Human mutations in the FSH beta gene have been shown to produce complete deficiency states in which pubertal development and reproductive capacity are inhibited. To date, no patients with partial or complete pubertal development due to FSH beta mutations have been documented in humans. We describe and characterize affected siblings, a male and a female, with evidence of pubertal development due to homozygosity for a Tyr76X nonsense mutation in the FSH beta gene. In vitro analysis of this mutant demonstrates unmeasurable FSH by immunoassay and by two different bioassays, using either cAMP (homologous FSH bioassay) or estradiol (rat granulosa cell assay) as the endpoints. In additional in vitro analyses, mutants previously found in patients with a phenotype of complete FSH deficiency (Cys51Gly and Val61X) and the Tyr76X were compared in the same immuno- and bioassays. All mutations failed to produce measurable FSH by all assays. Unexpectedly, these siblings with isolated FSH deficiency due to a nonsense FSH beta mutation had some evidence of puberty, suggesting that other factors might preserve gonadal steroidogenesis in the absence of FSH or that current bioassays cannot discriminate among very low FSH levels. FAU - Layman, Lawrence C AU - Layman LC AD - Section of Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility, and Genetics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia 30912, USA. Llayman@mail.mcg.edu FAU - Porto, Adriana L A AU - Porto AL FAU - Xie, Jun AU - Xie J FAU - da Motta, Luiz Augusto Casulari Roxo AU - da Motta LA FAU - da Motta, Lucilia Domingues Casulari AU - da Motta LD FAU - Weiser, Weishui AU - Weiser W