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PMID 11591417
Gene Name D1Pas1
Condition Role in spermatogenesis
Association Associated
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Other associated phenotypes Role in spermatogenesis

Characterization of D1Pas1, a mouse autosomal homologue of the human AZFa region DBY, as a nuclear protein in spermatogenic cells

Session DR, Lee GS, Wolgemuth DJ.

OBJECTIVE: To gain insight into the function of D1Pas1 in spermatogenesis. DESIGN: The cellular and subcellular distribution of D1Pas1 protein were examined. SETTING: Academic research laboratory. ANIMALS: Swiss Webster and C57B1/6J mice. INTERVENTION(S): Antibodies were generated against a D1Pas1 fusion protein. Immunoblot analysis was performed on lysates of testicular cells separated into enriched populations of spermatogenic cells and fractionated into nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. Immunohistochemistry was performed on histological sections of testis from adult and postnatal day 17 mice. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): D1Pas1 protein distribution. RESULT(S): D1Pas1 was expressed in germ cells, and its expression was developmentally regulated because it was detected specifically in the meiotic and postmeiotic haploid stages of spermatogenesis. D1Pas1 protein was predominantly localized in the nucleus, with weak cytoplasmic staining. CONCLUSION(S): Nuclear localization of D1Pas1 in the testis and its sequence homology to putative RNA helicases suggests a role of D1Pas1 in pre-mRNA processing during spermatogenesis. Germ cell expression of D1Pas1 and homology to the Y chromosome gene DBY, which is located in an area deleted in azoospermia, suggests a potential role for an autosomal gene in the regulation of spermatogenesis. FAU - Session, D R AU - Session DR AD - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York, USA. session.donna@mayo.edu FAU - Lee, G S AU - Lee GS