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PMID 11134356
Gene Name YLPM1
Condition Immunoinfertility
Association Associated
Population size 90
Population details 90 (45 immunofertile men, 45 fertile men)
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertility
Associated genes YLP(12) 
Other associated phenotypes Immunoinfertility

Presence of antibodies to sperm YLP(12) synthetic peptide in sera and seminal plasma of immunoinfertile men

Naz RK, Chauhan SC.

Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), sera (n = 15) and seminal plasma (n = 30) from antisperm antibody-positive immunoinfertile men (n = 45) and from fertile men (n = 45), were tested for the immunoreactivity with the synthetic YLP(12) sperm peptide. Of the 15 immunoinfertile sera tested, 46% were positive for immunoglobulin (Ig)M, 73% for IgG, and 40% for IgA. Of the 30 samples of immunoinfertile seminal plasma tested, 10% were positive for IgM, 20% for IgG, and 43% for IgA. None of the sera or seminal plasma from fertile men showed a positive reaction. There was no significant correlation between the sperm immobilization technique (SIT) or tray agglutination technique (TAT) titres or percentage binding in immunobead binding technique (IBT) and the antibody reactivity for any class in the ELISA. The YLP(12) peptide conjugated to bovine serum albumin-Sepharose 4B beads pulled out IgG antibodies from the serum of the immunoinfertile, but not the fertile, men. The beads pulled out IgA antibodies from the immunoinfertile, but not the fertile, seminal plasma. The immuno-affinity purified antipeptide antibodies reacted with a specific band of 72 +/- 5 kDa in the human testis and with a specific band of approximately 50 +/- 5 kDa in the human sperm extracts. The YLP(12) peptide may have applications in the specific diagnosis and treatment of male infertility and in contraceptive vaccine development. FAU - Naz, R K AU - Naz RK AD - Division of Research, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH 43614, USA. Rnaz@mco.edu