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PMID | 11089920 |
Gene Name | TEKT1 |
Condition | Involved in the development of the sperm tail basal body and axoneme |
Association |
Associated |
Sex | Male |
Infertility type | Male infertiltiy |
Other associated phenotypes |
Involved in the development of the sperm tail basal body and axoneme |
The spatial and temporal expression of Tekt1, a mouse tektin C homologue, during spermatogenesis suggest that it is involved in the development of the sperm tail basal body and axoneme Larsson M, Norrander J, Gräslund S, Brundell E, Linck R, Ståhl S, Höög C. Tektins comprise a family of filament-forming proteins that are known to be coassembled with tubulins to form ciliary and flagellar microtubules. Recently we described the sequence of the first mammalian tektin protein, Tekt1 (from mouse testis), which is most homologous with sea urchin tektin C. We have now investigated the temporal and spatial expression of Tekt1 during mouse male germ cell development. By in situ hybridization analysis TEKT1 RNA expression is detected in spermatocytes and in round spermatids in the mouse testis. Immunofluorescence microscopy analysis with anti-Tekt1 antibodies showed no distinct labeling of any subcellular structure in spermatocytes, whereas in round spermatids anti-Tekt1 antibodies co-localize with anti-ANA antibodies to the centrosome. At a later stage, elongating spermatids display a larger area of anti-Tektl staining at their caudal ends; as spermiogenesis proceeds, the anti-Tekt1 staining disappears. Together with other evidence, these results provide the first intraspecies evidence that Tekt1 is transiently associated with the centrosome, and indicates that Tekt1 is one of several tektins to participate in the nucleation of the flagellar axoneme of mature spermatozoa, perhaps being required to assemble the basal body. FAU - Larsson, M AU - Larsson M AD - Department of Biotechnology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. FAU - Norrander, J AU - Norrander J FAU - Gräslund, S AU - Gräslund S FAU - Brundell, E AU - Brundell E FAU - Linck, R AU - Linck R FAU - StÃ¥hl, S AU - StÃ¥hl S |