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PMID 10509791
Gene Name IL-4
Condition Male infertility with leukocytospermia
Association Leukocytospermia occurred in 44.3% of the infertile men compared to 12.5% of the fertile men (P<0.01). Thirty-six (20.5%) men had pathogenic bacterial organisms which constituted 46.2% of those with leukocytospermia. Sperm parameters were worse with leuko
Population size 200
Population details 200 (176 infertile men, 24 fertile controls )
Sex Male
Infertility type Male infertlity
Associated genes TNFalpha, IL-4
Other associated phenotypes Male infertility with leukocytospermia

Seminal immune response in infertile men with leukocytospermia: effect on antioxidant activity

Omu AE, Al-Qattan F, Al-Abdul-Hadi FM, Fatinikun MT, Fernandes S.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the incidence of leukocytospermia and relation to T helper cytokines, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) and interleukin-4 (IL-4), antisperm antibodies and antioxidant activity. DESIGN: Semen samples from 176 infertile men and 24 fertile controls were investigated. METHODOLOGY: The protocol included tubal patency test, hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy and dye test and ovulation through mid-luteal phase progesterone for the wives. The husbands had semen analysis, cytomorphology evaluation and semen culture. Seminal TNFalpha and IL-4, antisperm antibodies, total antioxidant activity, superoxide dismutase and zinc were determined. RESULTS: Leukocytospermia occurred in 44.3% of the infertile men compared to 12.5% of the fertile men (P<0.01). Thirty-six (20.5%) men had pathogenic bacterial organisms which constituted 46.2% of those with leukocytospermia. Sperm parameters were worse with leukocytospermia in terms of sperm count (P<0.01), total motility progressive motility (P<0.01), morphology, asthenozoospermia, sperm membrane integrity and antisperm antibodies. TNFalpha and IL-4 had an inverse relationship; the expression of TNFalpha was higher with leukocytospermia and bacteriospermia (P<0.001), while IL-4 was higher in fertile controls (P<0.005). Incidence of antisperm antibodies was higher with leukocytospermia. Total antioxidant activity, superoxide dismutase and zinc were lower with leukocytospermia. CONCLUSION: Leukocytospermia impairs sperm function through reduced antioxidant activity and enhanced T helper 1 modulation. FAU - Omu, A E AU - Omu AE AD - Reproductive Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Safat. FAU - Al-Qattan, F AU - Al-Qattan F FAU - Al-Abdul-Hadi, F M AU - Al-Abdul-Hadi FM FAU - Fatinikun, M T AU - Fatinikun MT